MyRaffaell Blog


Bluetooth Miles Away

bluetoothJangkau 1.6 KM Majalah online “Popular Science” menerbitkan sebuah panduan untuk memperluas jangkauan Bluetooth Dongle dari sekitar 100 m menjadi 1.6 Km. Untuk mewujudkannya, antena

Bluetooth Dongle asli harus dilepas dan dipasang antena 2.4 GHz. Namun, garansi USB Stick tentu tidak berlaku lagi setelah dimodifikasi. Pada negara tertentu, penggunaan Dongle seperti ini dilarang.


Berikut caranya, tapi ingat, dengan melakukan modifikasi ini, akan menghilangkan garansi bluetooth anda :

  1. Use a flat screwdriver to gently pry apart the case along its seam [A].

  2. Remove the electronics module [B] from the case.

  3. Use a soldering iron to heat up the existing antenna cable [C], and gently pull it from the shield platform [D] and antenna feed-thru hole [E].

  4. Press a desoldering braid against the circuit board to clear excess solder from the shield platform and hole.

  5. Strip the rubber outer insulation [F] of the new coaxial cable.

  6. Trim back the outer shield [G], leaving just enough to reach the shield platform.

  7. Add a small amount of solder to the shield to make it semisolid.

  8. Strip the cable again to expose the center conductor wire. Leave a little of the plastic insulating layer [H] between the shield and wire to prevent electrical shorts.

  9. Insert the wire into the thru-hole, then bend it 90 degrees so that the shield rests on the shield pad.

  10. Solder the shield to the pad. Don’t let the iron linger too long or you could melt the insulating layer. If you don’t get the solder applied within 30 seconds, wait a minute before trying again.

  11. Flip the board over, and solder the center wire securely in the thru-hole [I].

  12. Clip the excess wire poking through the hole.

  13. Place the module back in the case, and reassemble the two halves. Use tie-straps, glue or tape to hold it together if needed.

Bahan Bahan yang dibutuhkan adalah :

Linksys USBBT100 Class 1 USB Bluetooth adapter ($70; , antenna HyperGain RE05U 2.4GHz antenna ($15)

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